Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Shift Is Hitting The Fan!! (Someone, somewhere is about to pull a Game-Changer)

The Shift is in full swing!!  It's uncomfortable. It's chaotic.  Much of Humanity responds with impatience, short tempers, little tantrums as it's not much fun.  The Exploitative Ones/ Fat Cats respond with panic, power grabs and business-as-usual, but with far more intensity and alarm-- with mixed results, at best.  Every day they lose more ground... soon, they will be like the Polar Bears on one small piece of ice, counting every drop of meltage into the ocean. 

Will the Poles of Earth's axis actually shift??  It remains to be seen.  I'm personally not feeling a lot of energy around it at this moment, but it seems a definitely possibility in the not-too-distant-future. 

What I am feeling a fullness about is Progress. The New World is about to bump up against the old one~~ "HELLO!!" ...in some MASSIVE way!   Greening of the Earth.  Freedom. Energy.  Something New Paradigm is about to Pop!   'Allow me into introduce you to New Eden,' [speaking to everyone from TimBukTu to Manhattan]  :)☮♥✿

I'm not sure what exactly that will look like: will there be some technological breakthrough in Clean Energy making it onto the world stage in a free or massively available & affordable kind of way?? Are some helpful Extraterrestrials about to reinvent Life on Earth? I don't know exactly what it is going to look like, but somewhere, someone is about to Change The Rules. The BIG ONES. A Game-Changer is about to emerge. Someone is going to play a card-- who will not be stopped, intimidated, manipulated, misled, sidelined silenced, rubbed out or thwarted-- and The. World. Will. Never. Be. The Same. For. It. ~!!!  (Well, technically speaking, "Never" is a  v e r y  l o n g  time, but let's just say for a period of time where the positive effects will be SO transformative and long lasting that we won't have to talk or even think about it for many, many, many, generations to come!!)

But there certainly is a feeling of fullness almost to bursting~~ a pregnancy that's overdue that is finally peeking through to the light of day ...I feel like we had the option to have a pole shift in Dec. 2012 and we could have already been in New Eden by now. But the shocks and losses and earth changes would have been far more devastating, I feel, so collectively, we chose a different, more gradual way. 

And, while, that's cool and all, somewhere inside of us Knows that we could have already been there and we can taste it-- it's so close-- our mouth waters for a happier, freer, easier,  more fun way of Being.  {I have tears just thinking about it}.  

There is an impatience bubbling up that is hard to contain!  (Especially for those of us who have been on the forefront of The Shift work and have known about the Prophecy for some time now). There is an excitement for what we feel is right around the corner~ just beyond our reach~ we can nearly feel it our fingertips~ so our enthusiasm for what is coming is tempered by our grief of having not already been enjoying it, and drudging many more miles past the Finish Line, still waiting for the spoils of a Hard-won Race.   I must confess to a hint of concern that maybe it's not really coming after all--   that maybe we just think that it is. So, there's that mixed bag of small, but reappearing doubt, fear of disappointment, fear of looking and sounding a fool) that puts a damper over the fiesta-in-the-waiting-line.  It feels like something is looming over the bright sunshiny horizon, and we're ready for it to Go!

You know how it's 'Darkest before the dawn'?  I know that it is cliche', and yet, it is a profound, spiritual and material Truism.  That one is MOST despairing right before the announcement of Victory.  That is the moment that all feels lost, one's patience is spent and they feel they can barely go on... that is the moment right before the door gets kicked in!!

I feel that is where we are now.  We're about to kick the door off the frickin hinges!!!  Humanity will no longer allow the ridiculous disparity in wealth, the affronts on our Health, the injustices towards groups, persecution of Whistleblowers, trashing of our Earth HOme for resources for the wealthy few,  nowhere jobs, stinking pollution, endless wars, Corporate Fascism, Death Merchants, Government of the Lobbyists, by the Lobbyists and for the Lobbyists, tax evasion of the richest among us, The Koch Bros. and all of their machinations... None of it!!  Were not having it any longer!!  

As the new energies attempt to find homes in consciousnesses and places to settle in, the old energies of power domination scramble and panic as they feel their footing pulled out from under them... chaos abounds as the old paradigm can not deny the now cataclysmic cracks in their foundation!!

The Establishment and the small group of Exploitative Ones grasp desperately at any strongholds that they can find and are furiously trying to gain any and every advantage. Their fear is tangible, their urgency unmistakable. Yet, their failure imminent. 

I find it difficult to make decisions. And I am making as few as I can get away with. Even major Life decisions that seemed so settled just a short time ago feel up in the air~~ I find myself surprisingly unattached about most any and everything on the personal scale, while I am keenly absorbed in the movements on the world scale. Watching where the dominos fall with unblinking interest... imagining, hoping & praying for the highest & best outcomes for Humanity and Earth! :)☮♥✿

Things are fluctuating so much now, it's difficult to even have a conversation, because energies have shifted before a person has managed to form and articulate a thought! Fates and fortunes seem to be swinging wildly~~ and could land anywhere as new world energies try to find a home in this earth plane~~ energies that have NEVER been here before~~ energies that could change the Landscape of Human Living in Total, in short order. 

#CatchYouOnTHeFlipside #SeeYouInNewEden #MitakuyeOyasin #Shalom #Namaste #Aloha

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