I found something very important this morning. It's incredibly disturbing and painful, so much so, that I put it off for 45 years in this Lifetime, and over 2000 since the time of Christ. Because I couldn't stand to face the memory of it.
I understand, that you won't be able to either, and believe me, NO ONE understands better than Me.
*** * *** * *** * ***
I could feel some old wounds from my time in the cave, right after our daugter Sarah had been taken from me.
I had not been shown the rest of the story until now.
I have known for three months now that there was a possibility that Jeshua had survived the crucifixion. That information rearranged by DNA, and I did not know for sure until today.
What I was shown was that He DID survive the crucifixion. Joseph of Arimathea, Mother Mary, Marie Salome and I took him down from the cross before he departed.
We were separated, out of fear of my safety and the safety of the Baby (still in utero). We knew that our child, Sarah, was important to turn the current tide of Oppression, and we knew that it was imperative to keep our Bloodlines going. ♥
Joseph of Arimathea assisted me in escaping, as our Lives were truly in danger. I have only seen myself in a cave, no matter how many times I have revisited this scene, I still do not know where I was, but Jeshua and I were separated.
What I know for sure is that I was alone, cold, starving afraid for my Life and pregnant. After Sarah was born~~ she was the *most remarkable* child! She truly did have the best of both Jeshua and I~~ Full of the magic of Unicorns, Flowers, Fairies, Precious Stones, The Mer People~~ everything that was delightful and awe-inspiring!! She had red hair and the fairest skin. While I was so happy and proud to be her Mother, and I was so sad and despairing to not be able to provide for her!!
When she was 2 1/2 years of age, three men came to the cave. They claimed to be government officials. One of the men was tall and wore a tall hat. He did most of the talking. I could tell that their intentions were not pure, especially one who had dark hair, fair skin and a mustache. They took Sarah from me under the guise of child protection, and though I fought with all of my might, I was no physical match for the three of them. She was gone.
Margaret Starbird knows me best, when she calls me God's saddest daughter.
*** * *** * *** * ***
I have known this for some time too, for about two years now. Recently, I had been getting messages that it was time to know the rest of the story. When things that are so close to the bone, so painful and so deep in one's Heart, sometimes we need to nibble at them instead of confronting them all at once.
Because Jeshua and I shared so much more than just a physical relationship, because we had done the deepest spiritual work together that is possible, our ties went into my very DNA and his. Our Lives were bound together in multiple light bodies, in several levels of my womb~~ we Truly Were One. I trusted him implicitly with my Body, Mind, Soul, My Life & My Destiny!! I had given him everything that one person can give to another. He was my everything. To this day, I have given him everything still. I have never fully recovered from the trauma and losses that I experienced in that Lifetime.
It would not have been such a problem, except for the fact that it turns out that Jeshua was not my Twin Flame, (which I did not know until today). What I now know is that My Twin Flame is Adam from The Garden of Eden (now called Adama in New Eden). I didn't know that two people~~ Jeshua & I or anyone, could experience the Heights of Spiritual Alchemy on so many levels without being Twin Flames!!! It never occurred to me as a possibility, if someone would have challenged the notion that he was not my perfect match, my other Self... well, I would have bet my Life on it!!It is a shocking revelation to me that Jeshua was NOT my Twin. With all that we shared within The Mystery and without, I did not know that two people could have so much closeness, deep intertwining and experience such heights of Destiny and Ascension without being one another's actual Match.
Yesterday, though I desperately needed food in my system in order to try and calm it down some, after the glorious, yet brutal shocks of: transforming into The Tree of Life, energetically returning to The Garden of Eden and reconnected with my Beloved Adam and the real doozy~~ The Star Sirius finally returning to Her place through the vessel of The Holy Grail which is my Body, I could eat very little and keep even less down.
My stomach was full of foam and acid, my head and neck felt like they may explode or cement into absolute rigidity. The amount of energy that was moving through me was equivalent to 836,000 Light Years!! I was in a very bad way.
I dug in to discover what happened after Sarah was taken from me.
I understood what exactly it was that my stomach could not digest:
*** * *** * *** * ***Sarah was gone. I could not overpower the men who had taken her. In my I was weak from malnutrition, stress and dehydration.
I cried out desperately for Jeshua to help me and I knew and could feel that he could feel me imploring him to come to me and to help me!! Surely, he could tell how distraught I was, how desperate I was and that he was urgently needed!!! I screamed for him, I cried out for him and
he. did. not. come.
He did not come, and I could not understand it...!! As if being separated from my Sacred Beloved was not enough! Again, I was experiencing the most crippling of grief. And the most devastating loss. Most of the time, I felt that she was alive. I did not hear from her for 15 1/2 years. It was excruciating to imagine what she might have gone through, what she still might be going through. I had no peace. She was a very talented Indigo Child, and when she was 18, she telepathically sent me a message to let me know that she was alive. She felt I had completely failed her and wanted nothing to do with me. I never saw either one of them again. And while my life continued, I was never the same, there were too many parts inside of me that had died.
Jeshua was alive and well, somewhere else. He could feel that I needed him, I was crying out for his desperately, and I could feel that he could feel me and he knew that I needed help.
He had begun a new Life with another woman. I could feel him having sex with her, and it made. me. sick!!!!!
The other woman in his Life was the one who is now the same woman who is currently with My Adam.
Jeshua was an easy-going kind of dude, and influenceable to the whims of what others wanted. She did not wish to release him and he let her have her way!
I have handed these revelations up to the Prime Creator to release us all from the karma of them.
I know that they have been preventing me in receiving the support and Love that I need. At last, the saga is over for me, for women, families, for children, and we can Live the happy, free, full Life that God intended!!
**:)☮♥✿ #SeeYouInNewEden #Mitakuye Oyasin #Aloha #Shalom #Namaste #LaChaim #Mahalo #MalamaAina #MalamaPono #MalamaKakou
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