The Final Revelation
that removed Jeshua from his Throne, (it will next be mine) you could say that he is in the dog house, on my shit list, (any cliche along this vein applies). My shit list is exactly three beings long... and I am contemplating what to do with them . . .
I have been quite Heartbroken and disgusted with this information, and while I have taken steps to forgive him, this will not come to completion until I see him in New Eden, and believe me, we will. have. some. words!
As the world has literally been 180 degrees off course, it is logical that I should be the one bearing the moniker of "Whore" for all of these years and paying the price for it in so many related ways, while he was Exalted as the Standard of Untouchable Perfection, Unmatched, Worshipped, SINLESS... as THE SAVIOUR!! #yuck. The whole thing makes me feel yucky!!
In fairness, Jeshua (who is in a Female body this time, by the way) is in the top of a very short list of my favorite people, and nothing-- not even this-- could or will change that. But it will take some time before the healing is complete. I will be in such perfect happiness when we arrive in the New World that it will be difficult to be upset at anything or anyone ever, but still, some crossings against us leave the deepest of scars, and this is that. It will not disappear overnight~~ not even in the Garden.✿
My Love for Him Then, Her Now, and all of our Unions throughout time is endless and unconditional, but there is a black cloud that hovers over it... It makes me sad.
I realized it was because when I was talking about Jeshua the man, I would use the J. And when I was addressing or speaking of Yeshua the Spirit, I would use the Y.
One of the things that I take comfort in is that I have found that my Love and Connection and warm fuzzies with Yeshua have not changed, faded or been affected in anyway. We Are One. ♥
"Is there ONE Righteous Man on Earth????" It was a Heartbreaking question even to ask!!
But honestly, for God's sake, if not Jeshua, than WHO???
After some contemplation, the question evolved into this:
"Before the Reunification of the Twin Flames; was there ONE Righteous Man on Earth????"
As all that we ask is answered, the answer came in the form of one of those rare, special, must-see movies that has the power to change attitudes, enlighten, entertain, elevate and shift paradigms.
Tonight, as I watched "The Sessions," I found One. He was a 38 year old virgin in an iron lung~~ so it did not come easily; but it gave me hope that just maybe, maybe... Somewhere... there might be another. ♥
As I move through the layers of the Womb into New Eden, I am removing all the harms and ills of this world~~ they will not join us there. I look forward to far better Loving, much happier endings and A New Dawn for All.
#SeeYouThere,Bear #Aloha #Namaste' #MitakuyeOyasin
*sculpture of Mary Magdalene by Donatello
It is the ancient think. I have seen your all collections. All are good and nice.
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