Friday, June 17, 2011

What are We Doing? What is God Doing? What's Our Role? What's God's Role?

God, is "up there" on a higher plane than human existence, and also "in here", within each of us.  As well as everywhere... there is nowhere that God isn't. What we are doing, God is doing, as there is no separation. God is experiencing Him/Herself through us, as us. 

We have different aspects of ourselves that are 'taking turns', so to speak, driving this car/calling the shots.  At times, we are doing what our mental aspect is desiring, at other times, the body, and other times still, the Soul. 

The Soul/our intuition/that small voice that we hear in silence and when in spiritual rapture, is the God aspect within us. And while it sometimes lets the body and the mind do/have what it wants, in Truth, it is the Soul that is in charge. When we've gotten too far off our our path, the Soul will call an experience to itself, such as meeting a new person, losing a job, the ending of a relationship, etc. in order to get our attention/change our direction/change our understanding, etc.  

In Truth, our jobs/ego projects, etc., pale in comparison to what the Soul is here to do. Our REAL job is to fulfill our Soul Mission, which is for the Soul to complete itself and to know itself.  The Soul will take steps as dramatic as necessary to see that this happens. Often, from the perspective of the body/mind, these experiences are not appreciated and are perceived as losses, catastrophes, inconveniences or obstacles.

In Truth, we are in agreement with everything that our Soul is doing and we are ECSTATICALLY EXCITED about our Soul work (though the mind often has a lot of complaining about the way that it transpires).

In Truth, we decided on our Soul Mission, in collaboration with God/Divine Guides and we knew exactly what it would be, and what it would take to complete it, before we even took human form.  We have provided ourselves with all of the tools necessary to do so.

In short:  We are co-creating this reality with God, for the pure purpose of enjoying and discovering the experience of doing it. :)

Lots of Love, Lizz

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