Dearest Friend,
(the name has been withheld for anonymity)
I don't know how or when or if you will receive this message, but it felt important to write it anyway.
I have been receiving frequent, strong messages for more than a solid week now, and until last night, had very little sleep. It took me until yesterday to get clear on the fact that these messages were emanating from, or in regards to you & your blessed soul.
I'd like to share them with you, as I am so moved and humbled by the connections that have been shown to me about what is happening in the world, and how it relates to you, personally.

Let me digress... over the course of my spiritual healing work, one of the things that has been shown to me, which has not changed in Truth since I began, was that everything-- every expression, every energy, every state of mind, everything on earth Lives inside a human body. That's how to get onto earth, by entering through a womb.
Yes, there are energies that are beamed down here, but in order for something to be anchored in our collective experience for a long course of time, for our souls to work on and develop over Lifetimes, in order for something to be our REAL work (not our job, our Soul's Work) it Lives in our body, in our DNA. It is part of us. We carry it within these human vessels as long as necessary until we finally transcend it through our awareness, willingness, consciousness, compassion and forgiveness. Thus, forever changing our vibration, our past, present and future, and we evolve ever more into more and more of the Light Beings that we are.
These profound times in which we are witnessing, to me can be summed up in the shifting of consciousness around the Reptilian Brain. We are seeing that as a society, and as a world, that the mass number of people are no longer willing to Live under the thumb, control and values of the Reptilian elite ruling class. We can no longer sit quietly watching the majority of the world starve to death, die of illness, Live in poverty as the ruling class hoards, turns a blind eye, shops and galavants in extreme extravagance, while the propaganda of consumerism, chemicals, obedience, self-loathing and slavery are the consistent themes of Western Society.
Not just the spiritualists, hippies and extremists feel that way anymore. It's become the cry and burning desire of the majority of the world~ the 99%! Which means, this shift is already happening. Quiet peacefully, I might add. As with anything inevitable, as part of us marvels, a part of us simply knows that this had to be. We have entered into the third stage of Truth, it is now simply common knowledge.
My Heart & Soul rejoice at the future of what our world is becoming! Truly, we are watching the destruction of the old, cold, concrete world and the descent of New Eden here on our beautiful jewel of a planet. Where peace, Love, plenty, harmony, joy, authentic self-expression and play rule the day! What a glorious legacy we are creating for (& with) our children and grandchildren~ our Truest, Highest & Grandest Inheritance shall Be! Praise God & the God Nature Birthing in Mankind! <3
Now, allow me make this circle complete. Dear Ancient Brother, Ascended Master and True Friend, getting back to my original sharing about the human body and how this new, brighter consciousness relates to you personally.
It occurs to me that the surgery that you had, in effect, literally REMOVED the stem of the Reptilian Brain on Earth. And, at the same time, literally CREATED enough SPACE for the high vibration and consciousness of Continuum to descend unto our 3-D world.

I do not wish to put anything on you. If this is not your Truth, I honor that, I only wish to share an understand that has been vibrating with excitement inside of me over this period.
I send this with pure Love, blessings, and comfort for your mind, sacred vessel and spirit.
Eternally Your Friend & Sister,
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