Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Prophecy: We've Chosen A Gentle Change

Now that we are less than thirty days away from the famed Dec 21, 2012, I find myself feeling a lot less anticipation than anticipated.  Heck, this date has been on my radar since 2000 when my first Medicine Teacher told me about the prophecy and it's held a Mysticism for me ever since.  I remember doing the math to determine what age I would be when this date came to be, and what my Life would be like... but after 12 years of curiosity and wonderment, now that it the fated moment is drawing nigh, I'm not feeling it.  I mean literally, speaking as an Empath, speaking as The Watchtower of the Flock (one of my primary occupations) I mean, I don't feel much of anything brewing yet.

What I do feel is a lot of Peace.  I feel a lot of grooviness.  Those things are present.  But when I contemplate on the energies of the time, it seems that for the most part, things 
are changing quietly, gently and smoothly.  Because of the work that the way-showers, Light workers, path-finders and trail blazers have already done, now these changes happen automatically!  A new baseline of what is the normal response and outcome on Earth has been forged from the cries of our compassionate Hearts and the happenings here automatically respond in a manner that is a vibratory match to this baseline, which is peaceful and gentle as we have so deeply Desired and created from this Desire!

It feels that this switch the earth is undergoing from head to Heart, from old paradigm to New paradigm, from tyrrany to Freedom, from greed to Compassion, from corruption to Truth, from concealment to Transparency, from oppression to Victory, that these things are now just happening automatically... that what remains of The Establishment finds that things are not going their way and that The People find that things are going their way, more and more...

It appears that Humanity has chosen for this shift to be as gradual and gentle as possible-- not that I believe that there are no more surprises in store or that there won't be any more Earth changes or astronomical jumps-- I do! However, unless I start feeling really differently over the course of the next three weeks, I don't feel a build-up of a lot of energy (at least not yet).  I don't feel like there's something earth-shattering or monumental right around the corner.  Things overall feel quite lush and Lovely!

As a subscriber to Prophecy, I believe that Dec. 21, 2012 will be a monumental Magical day. The Mystic and Dreamer in the core of my Being hopes and prays that it is! I hope that we wake and find ourselves Living in New Eden!!  Where Life is peaceful and easy and groovy for All.  At this juncture, if that is the case, no one will be more surprised than me.  I feel like the earth will be flooded with the Christmas Spirit, and this time, it will stay for Good!  I feel like there will be a lot of Love and softness and consciousness~ more than we've known before...
I don't feel like much else is on the Great Docket in the Sky... If this feeling changes, I'll let you know :)

Shalom ~ Namaste ~ Mitakyue Oyasin ☮♥

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