Monday, December 10, 2012


After working with the Grail energies in diverse ways, I arrived at the conclusion that the Holy Grail and the Arc of the Covenant are the same thing. I was glad to discover that I am not the only one who thinks so (see book link below).

There are those who think of the Grail as a Chalice (cup), and while I find a Golden Chalice to be a Sacred, Enduring and Useful Symbol, and relate it to the womb and to childbirth, I find that to be too limited in terms of the Grail's meaning and applications.  I don't feel that Christ's blood was captured in a chalice (of the cup variety). And yes, Mary Magdalene was Jeshua's wife, the Mother of his child, their Daughter Sarah. Yes, Magdalene who IS the Sacred Chalice that held Jeshua's blood and it is Magdalene who is the Holy Grail, the Keeper of the Grail Mysteries.

The Arc is believed to be, well, an ark. A box, a chest of the most valuable sacred treasure the world has ever known.  I experience the Grail more as an ark, having an immense, Golden God Light and with brilliant, colorful jewels.  Not in a pirate treasure chest kind of way, it's not that physical looking... more light and things that emerge from this light. There's a sense of an infinite and eternal nature. 

In spiritual visions aka shamanic journeys (whichever pleases you) I have witnessed and used the powers that some of these jewels possess. For example, I have seen them used by persons to transport instantly from one place in time and space to another.  I have seen one that is a brilliant pink/red that has immense powers of Love. ♥

It is clear to me that one Must be Pure of Heart to work with and have access to these energies.  The Grail/Ark certainly is conscious of the intention behind the person who seeks to use it, the clarity and holiness of the person as well.  Regardless of Man's tireless search for and control dramas over possessing the Grail and the Arc of the Covenant, in Truth, no one who seeks Power shall be granted their gifts or true gnosis of their Mysteries. 

The Grail is something that Lives in the Mystery. It Lives inside of us and can be activated by those who are purely devoted to the Service of Mankind and Humanity.  And by them alone.  Are there physical items that are a Sacred Chalice? And a Sacred Arc?  Yes, there probably are.  Will they eventually end up in the hands of those who should possess them by Divine Right? Yes, I believe so.  But regardless of where they are or whose hands they are in, their Magic is available, now, to those who are called to use it. ♥

Arc of the Covenant Holy Grail Message for the New Millineum

Recommended Reading:


Mary Magdalene Christianity's Hidden Goddess by Lynn Picknett
The Magdalene Dispensation by Lona Lyons
Mary Magdalene, BRIDE IN EXILE by Margaret Starbird 

Haven't read it, but looks interesting:
The Judgement Day Device by William Henry

See You on the Heart Side of 12-21-12!  ~Blessed Be~

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