I am grieving how painfully S L O W the process of Human Evolution is. I am grieving what we could have been... should have been. I am grieving for all of the victims of rape, victims of violence, and for those who grieve and hurt for them.
I am your Mother~ All of You. I am the Queen of each and every Heart. I know you, I have prayed for you, I have devoted my Life to you and sacrificed my desires and needs for YOU. I have been patient, forgiving and merciful where you are concerned, and believed the very best of you and seen the very best in you. And yet, there are limits!
Should all of Humanity perish because of your evil ways? You don't care who suffers at your expense, at your hand, but make no mistake-- I DO!
I am grieving that on this side of December 21st 2012, your Hearts are still closed and cold! People are being treated like garbage!! I am grieving that the young people are still being taught wrong. I am grieving the death of innocence. I am grieving the death of decency. I am grieving the death of basic human right to safety~ basic human right to Live, to eat, to be sheltered!!
I am grieving, because many Lives will be lost because of your refusal to heal your Hearts, open your eyes, your refusal to Love, your refusal to drop your pride, your refusal to elevate.
Don't misunderstand me, I know WHY you do what you. I understand HOW Humanity got to this point, I have compassion for all of the wounded ones who wound... but Why you do harm matters no more, as Humanity can no longer take the burden for your wounds or pay the price because you won't be healed!!
Hear me now!! Rapists, Pedophiles, Kidnappers, Molesters, Murderers, Torturers, Death Merchants, Human Traffickers, Serial Killers... I will not tolerate your transgressions much longer. Find Peace, Love and Honoring... or you'll be here no more!! ☮
Essentially, the Earth is a Feminine place. We don't call her 'Mother Earth' by accident.
The Feminine decides what happens here. And She, We, have patiently endured, and ultimately allowed, all that has ever happened here, because of Human Free Will. That will not be the case anymore.
i hear a Cosmic Alarm Clock sounding. Humans, your evolution is too slow, and your crime against The Feminine are too painful and damaging. Peace will reign and Love shall Rule, and whatever price need be paid for this to occur will be paid! ☮♥
You, Men who don't know how to Love, men who don't know how to really make Love to a woman, men who don't know how to be a father, men who don't know how to be loyal, men who have no sexual impulse control, men who abandon their children, men who don't know how to be an asset to young people, men who steal the innocence of the children of earth, men who profit from death, fear, pervesion... Men who Live only for their own ambitions, for money, power, and their own gratification~~ if you only knew how much you destroy the very fabric of Life itself and society... !
I DO! Do you not realize that you are here by my Grace? By the Grace of the Mother? By the Grace of The Feminine??
No More!
It's time that you were held accountable and your reign of terror comes to an end. Love is the Law.
Find your strength to Love within, and you are welcome to join the party. If you don't, Mama Earth will swallow you up and not a tear will be shed for you!
The Feminine and Mother Earth and purifying the Earth now.
Only those who Live in their Hearts will survive.
Amen, Ashe' and Aho
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