Wednesday, January 30, 2013

If Only Lincoln Had A Gun

In case you missed this gem from ultra-talented Songstress Taylor Ferrera, written by her Brother Bob-- who hits the nail of the head on this so hard, that it's amazing that it didn't break in two!!


The only justifications that you'll ever hear for having a gun is fear.  Fear that "someone is out to get you" or "someone is after your stuff" and other paranoid delusions.  Take a moment to think about the people who you admire.  Chances are that they are not the ones who have stockpiled the most weapons.  Chances are, you admire them for their sense of humor, their confidence, their honesty, their creativity, their bravery, their lack of stress, how they make you feel, their caring, their Love.  

We get what we think about most of the time.  If we spend our time thinking about guns, weapons and killing, we create more guns, weapons and killing.

Surrounded by weapons, killed by a gun:

If we think about Peace, Love, Harmony, Cooperation... then we create more of that.  It's simply a choice between Love or fear.  

The main thing missing from this discourse about Gun Control is a voice for Non-violence.  Everyone that I've heard testifying begins by saying, "I am a gun owner and a member of the NRA..."  What is missing is someone, ANYONE, who says, "I do not own a gun.   I would never shoot anyone for any reason.  I don't believe in violence and every gun is one step further in the wrong direction." So I, and everyone like me, is unrepresented in this discourse.

Here's to Life!  Here's to Living Naturally, Peacefully and Harmoniously.  Here's to Thriving and not killing anybody.  Is that really too much to ask? 

#Peace #Nonviolence #TheFeminine #Unrepresented #MitakuyeOyasin #Shalom #☮♥

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