R-EvoLution Demands Sacrifice. Always has. Personal, Professional, in Comfort, Companionship, time with family and friends... and in giving up small (and not so small) things that are closely tied to the Heart and Desire, like eating out or birthday presents for friends, or travel... to name only a few. Personal Sacrifice means giving up the Life that one would have led if they'd invested their time and energy into making money and going along with The Establishment.
The Protesters of #OWS, and throughout history, and the Leaders who put themselves into harms way are our examples of Sacrifice, and the ones who know it's Lessons, it's hardships and it's POWER!
Sacrifice has Power and it's from Sacrifice that R-EvoLution draws it's Power. There's Spiritual Power wherever there is Purity, Devotion, Vulnerability, Truth and Love, and all of these traits Live hand-in-hand with Sacrifice.
It's the Pure of Heart who are called unto it's Path, and by Living and walking on that Path, one is continually bumping into their own wounds, insecurities, entitlements, frustrations and other ego devices. To Live in Sacrifice is to repeatedly confront one's own limitations and to do battle with the ego and the world continually!! Fighting the battles on the Battlefield of the Heart fosters ever more Purification. The Pure of Heart become greatly purified by Living in Sacrifice.
It's the Pure of Heart who are called unto it's Path, and by Living and walking on that Path, one is continually bumping into their own wounds, insecurities, entitlements, frustrations and other ego devices. To Live in Sacrifice is to repeatedly confront one's own limitations and to do battle with the ego and the world continually!! Fighting the battles on the Battlefield of the Heart fosters ever more Purification. The Pure of Heart become greatly purified by Living in Sacrifice.
There is Power in Purity, because anything that is out of integrity can not retain it's power in it's Presence!! That is how a small group of committed citizens can change ANYTHING and, the most remarkable example of all, how a little Indian man removed English Rule from India!
One only discovers the depth of their commitment by witnessing and experiencing how much Sacrifice they are making... and willing to continue to make.
Those who Sacrifice are Other-Interested-- not just Living for themselves or for money-- they Live for the Greater Good! They will not be a part of the Problem, they will not profit from the pain and suffering or loss of others, nor do they wish to support the companies and institutions that do harm. They will not lend their name, their energy or Lifeforce to a product or company that hurts people. They value People over profits. And what is in their Personal Power to Change, they will Change. What Good they Can Do, They Will Do.
While Sacrifice is the Most Difficult Path to walk, it is how all of the Great Ones throughout History have walked!! That's what Makes them Great! If it was easy~ anyone could do it! And would do it. Sacrifice is the Force behind Monumental Change!
It's Sacrifice that Purifies our Hearts which makes the
R-EvoLution Movement an Inalienable and undeniable Force, that no Structure, Institution, Authority, or anything that is out of integrity can deny! ☮♥✿ #WeWin #Winning #mitakuyeoyasin
Lizz Christed
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