On the Feast Day of The Magdalene -- Part One of Two

Time for this Healer to Heal Thyself.
I've got to clear myself before I can move ahead. I have known that there was something in me that had a sharp edge~~ an unwavering opinion, a righteous anger, a scrutinizing and heavy judgement... and it is time to go!
I know that I have needed it until now to Know all that I Know, and to Do all that I have Done. I couldn't have recognized all of the pain and all of the twists of its manifestations that I have had to clear if I couldn't See it. To see it, I had to have something in me that was a mirror of it. I thank this energy for it's service until this point, and I shall release it to Christ Consciousness with blessings and gratitude. ♔✿
I don't yet know the specific nature of the energy that I am dealing with, but I feel that it has been here for a long time-- holding me back from my full and wholly Loving expression. I now have a sense of it. It has peaked and is making itself known to me. It is tinny and tight. I can feel it acutely, so it is time to clear it.
I've been getting messages the last few days about the time of Christ.✞ I observe at on-going junctures that my Journey this time is retracing the steps at that time again; this time with the knowledge that I can unwind the pain, forgiving the hurts and all that was lost. Forgiving everything that went wrong. I walk it knowing that it is time for nothing to remain but the Light, the Christ Consciousness, the Love. I walk it Knowing that this time is the completion of the Perfect Work that we started over 2000 years ago.
It took me a long time before I knew, that it wasn't supposed to go that way after the crucifixion~~ my Life in danger (while pregnant) me destitute, unsupported, cold, starving, slandered, maligned...
and the worst thing. The very worst thing that could have happened, happened. Trying to raise a daughter on nothing, the most beautiful, charmed, enchanting red headed 2 1/2 year old that anyone ever saw... three men took her from me (their intentions were not pure, and I could see it. And I was powerless to stop them). She was an Indigo and I didn't hear from her for 15 and a half years. I sensed that She was still alive, but sometimes I knew it more than others... there were times when I thought that I was just kidding myself.
When She was 18, She telepathically sent me a message and told me that She was Alive. That was all that She said. She was so angry at me, so hurt, She wanted nothing to do with me. I rejoiced in the knowledge that She Lived, and I mourned our fate, our separation. I despaired thinking of what all She might have endured.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. We had not set it up that way. We were so powerful, so conscious in our Creation, so Aligned~~ how could everything had gone so horribly wrong???
It wasn't until in the last few years that I was shown the answer. There was a woman in town who wanted to be a part of our work, felt entitled to because of her spiritual power. She put a curse on my womb (in her jealousy) while we were working as a circle. The curse affected all of the Essence Women who were there, as well as Christ (not as much).
I was not aware of the curse at that time, and in my ignorance and deepest hurt, anger and grief, I blamed Christ. I blamed Him as an abandoner Husband and Father. And I blamed God. After my pure devotion and service and belief, THIS is how I was repaid????
After I found the curse and removed it, my Forgiveness began, and my relationship with The Christed One and God rapidly advanced, healed and brought a lot more joy & peace into my Life.
I have not revisited the time of Christ✞ since April, when I read half of The Jesus Papers. It is finally time for me to Know & Re-member the Rest of the Story.
Where I left off, Joseph of Arimathea was making arrangements with Pontius Pilot to rescue Jeshua. Joseph's brilliant plan was to allow the Roman's their public crucifixion, but then to remove Jeshua from the cross before He had died. Was it possible? I feel that yes, it was.
This was a wild revelation for me, and being so swept up in my own grief, desperation, survival, etc., I had only seen things from my own point of view. I am leaning more now towards believing that that there is more to this tale than I have remembered.
I know that ultimately, there is a time when I am rescued and returned to the Loving care of the Merovingians in France, and I feel that I am at the point right before that moment of Grace~~
may it be so.
*:) ☮♥✿ @-`-,`--
#SeeYouInNewEden #ILoveYou
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