Humanity hasn't learned a damned thing in 100 Million Years.
The people who come into this world with a Heart full of nothing but the best intentions for us, those we treat the worst.
While we exalt the scoundrels and throw them massive parties, welcome ceremonies, we run to greet them, shake their hands, give them our most precious treasures, our children to kiss.

Those who come to Free us from tyranny, to bring Peace, to share Truth, to give Love, we do everything in our power to bring them low... and ultimately, to destroy them.
We haven't learned anything since Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.
He was arrested and then crucified, people calling for his blood.
We haven't learned anything since Jean d'Arc.
She was arrested in 1430
And burned at the Stake in 1431.
We haven't learned anything since Gandhi. He was arrested twice in 1908, once in 1909, three times in 1913, also in 1917, 1919, 1922, 1930, 1932, 1933 and 1942.
The people who come into this world with a Heart full of nothing but the best intentions for us, those we treat the worst.
While we exalt the scoundrels and throw them massive parties, welcome ceremonies, we run to greet them, shake their hands, give them our most precious treasures, our children to kiss.

Those who come to Free us from tyranny, to bring Peace, to share Truth, to give Love, we do everything in our power to bring them low... and ultimately, to destroy them.
We haven't learned anything since Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.
He was arrested and then crucified, people calling for his blood.
We haven't learned anything since Jean d'Arc.
She was arrested in 1430

We haven't learned anything since Gandhi. He was arrested twice in 1908, once in 1909, three times in 1913, also in 1917, 1919, 1922, 1930, 1932, 1933 and 1942.
We haven't learned anything since Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JFK, RFK or Lennon.
The message is clear. Preaching Peace, Love, Truth, Justice and Harmony is a capital offense. Punishable by death. (If we allow it).
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#EvolveEarth #NewEden #PoleShift #Ascension #Evolution
#OneMind #OneConsciousness #OneVoice #OneHeart #OneWomb #OneHara #OneBody #OneLove #OneTruth #OneJustice #OneTribe #OneDivineMission #OneDivineMostExcellentPurpose #OneDestiny #OneVictory
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#EvolveEarth #NewEden #PoleShift #Ascension #Evolution
#OneMind #OneConsciousness #OneVoice #OneHeart #OneWomb #OneHara #OneBody #OneLove #OneTruth #OneJustice #OneTribe #OneDivineMission #OneDivineMostExcellentPurpose #OneDestiny #OneVictory
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