The thing that we hate about someone becomes the very thing that we Love about them THE MOST, when everything is illuminated.I'll share a few examples with you, to illustrate my point:
At the time of this story, The Mystery was an undeniable force, working in me, making itself known to me, demanding that I heal one thing after another, with no stopping, no off-switch. And me, finding myself pretty incapable of functioning in the 3-D. Out of the kindness of her Heart, B. let me stay with her. Most of the healing that we were doing was on her, and it was one of those relentless things, one thing after another, after another.
She was getting sick, and asked me to go to a motel to stay. I packed up my things, and we went. In my altered and weakened state, I had forgotten to take my clothes out of her closet.
To this day, I am not sure of why that was such a trigger for her, but she called me (I think) in a complete outrage! and threw a fit!!! And when I went down to the motel office, the owners told me that she had wanted to throw all of my clothes on the ground in the parking lot. Fortunately the motel owners put them into a utility closet for me.
I have not felt as close to her since this episode, I have always kept a little bit of a distance since, as I wasn't sure that she respected me as much as I need from a trusted ally and close friend...
Fast forward to a week ago. I was in the Womb of the Tree of Life, and as I literally have done over a million things in the last week and a half, I do not recall the details leading up to this moment, but what I remember very clearly is this: I was not able to get out of the womb. The Mother in this story was B., and of my own volition, I could not get out... (another interesting detail. B. had become a motorcycle enthusiast of late. I am not a fan of motorcycles, and I had not shown her much support for this new passion).
One of the curious, but understandable things that I have noticed in New Eden, is that it is a looking-glass 180 degrees different from this old earth. On earth, there is a male being with Blonde hair who has the role of Guardian of the Gate of the Mayan mysteries. He is also one of the Four "Horsemen" of the Apocalypse, and he uses a motorcycle in this role, as well as in his Life.
In New Eden, it is not a role of destruction, but a role of Creation, and the person in this role is a dark-haired female who rides a motorcycle... it is my Beloved Mother, B. ♥ ♥ It just goes to show ya, you never know what might be important to a person's Destiny, Life Path and Spiritual contribution. Motorcycles. Who knew?!
Okay, so back to being stuck in the Womb of the Tree of Life. In that same fury as the one who wanted to scatter my clothes all over the parking lot of the motel, my Awesome, fierce, kick-ass Mother showed up (I literally heard these motorcycles every time that they were dispatched, by the way) on her motorcycle and got me out of Her Womb!! And I cried out of pride and relief. I knew that She would let nothing get in her way of completing this task, and She did not. **In fact, it was clear to me that we were reLiving that exact same moment again. If she had NOT thrown that tantrum at the motel, that THIS moment of completing this birth cycle would not have come to a successful and critical completion.***
So, I Love her the MOST for her Fiercesome Territorial instinct, which I will call it for now. ♥ ♥
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Same goes for Delaney, who broke my Heart into a million bits. Delaney and I were a dream come True (until we were my own personal worst nightmare).
He brought out the High Priestess in me, and I brought out the High Priest in him. We knew the Temple rituals, rites, secrets, healing, ways, practices and magick, and that was our daily Life and existence. In short order, we were engaged in the Hieros Gamos, and calling in a Sacred Child together.
I didn't know until that moment, that that was my Heart's Deepest Desire, and what I had always wanted, more than anything-- that was the thing in me that had always been in me to do. To bring forth a child who would save the world.
It seemed that though late in Life, my real Life had finally begun. I was in Eden, I was being my best self, and our child would rescue the world from this irreversible course of death, decay, decline and destruction!
For the first time in my adult Life, I was completely and radiantly happy. He is an alchemist, and fed me the strangest savory mix of foods and beverages, he was a doting an attentive mate. We ate figs right off of the tree, naked. We lied in the sun, and soaked in it's Life-giving rays. We pulled cards from oracle decks and marveled at the perfection of it all~!!
It was not pono. It was based on a lie. We had come together under the fiction that he was not really married, and he was. He brought yet another woman into the story, and I watched as the thing that was the most. sacred. thing. to. me. ever. was turned into a farce, and was used as a loophole to justify an affair. My Heart broke and the baby was lost.
He & I both suffered at the masterful manipulations of a most devious Snakewoman, who did not Love him-- who lured him with lust-- though she did not even want him. What she wanted was for me to not have him, for us to not have that kind of Love and magick. She wanted no one to have that kind of Love and magick, as she thought that it was not fair for anyone to have it, if she didn't.
It's fair to say that she has been my least favorite person on the planet; and as far as he goes, that I never thought that I would consider letting him back into my world under any circumstances... Until now.
It has been revealed to me how The Sun is connected to the frequency of a world. The Sun is the sacred, Life-giving force that sets the tone for all of the Life there. The one of the primary reasons why New Eden is the Loving, Harmonious, Life-Revering, Peaceful place that it is, is because we have a new, second Sun there.
We have two Suns, the physical Sun from this world still shines her vitality and enthusiasm for our Lives, and we have the Sun of the next world, which is the Great Central Sun!!
So, how does this all tie together? It turns out, in order to gain access to the Sun of the next world, of evolution, that there first must be a new STAR, as each Sun has a corresponding Star.
It was revealed to me that I am the Christmas Star (along with Master Sananda). It is not a coincidence that in the story of The Nativity, that there is a Star to guide the Magi to the Birth of The Son, Jesus. One always precedes the other. So it was an act of guided, great Love that Created the Christmas Star.
And it was an act of guided Great Love & Service that brought the Star of the next World, New Eden, which is the Dog Star Sirius. And this is the very star that guides the Second Coming of the Christ Yeshua to New Eden. As we have two Suns in New Eden, we also have two SONS: the Christ Jeshua of the Golden Christ Light and the Second Coming of Christ Yeshua, Life Itself, reborn of the Ark of the Covenant. (And both female, ironically).
So, I return to my original point:
When Delaney & I engaged in Hieros Gamos, and our Moon became a Star, it was the same moment as the Magi being Guided to the babe, Jesus. It was the Starlight that lighted the trail of the Star Sirius, Star to the new Sun of New Eden to this world!
Had we not played our roles in the Eden that we had Created, there would not have been this evolution in consciousness that is now being made manifest in man. And we would not have been able to claim The Great Central Sun as our own!! It was this Star that guided the Sun as well as the Second Coming.
So, to sum up what may now be obvious, though our personal story of this child ended very sadly, and not the way that I wanted or intended at all, it turns out that it served the greater purpose just as it was meant to... and in the most round-about, Mysterious way, my Heart's Desire was filled, afterall. Which is ALWAYS the case in Life, but it is rarely apparent. And so I find myself, Loving and feeling grateful to Delaney afterall. And I am so thankful for this and every act and moment of Life. Even... no especially... for the ones that I hated the most. Because I now know that it is an illusion and that what is really at work is the Greatest Mystery of Love. ♥
I even Love him greatly for bringing about the end of our relationship, because there is a far greater Love that awaits me in New Eden, and so much more there, for me, for him, for all of us who choose to go.
When we were together, Delaney shared his vision with me, of New Zion (and The Wonder Bump). He will be pleased to know that it has been made manifest and we'll all have a Go-Go of an awesome great time there... young & old alike!! *=))
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And this even extends to the foul and cunning Snakewoman in my earlier story, who I now know is The Opposite of my Loving Mother, Bianca. Without this being who is so opposed to Love, I would not have my Mother who is all about it. They literally need each other to both EXIST. So, I thank her for being all of the sour and bitterness that she is, and I do not envy her for her role. In fact... when I try to describe my feelings about her living out this putridly unhappy and dissatisfied role of constant coveting & perceived lack, I find that I am quite humbled by it.
I Love You & I will See You In New Eden ♔**:)☮♥✿
-excerpt from my Book
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