From time immemorial~~ for as long as there has been Life on Earth~~ there have been two opposing forces. There are the Natural Ones, the ones who wish to Live, Love, be Free and to Thrive; and the Unnatural, exploitative ones. (I know this, as I have been here from the First).
The Unnatural Ones do not care about Life~~ about quality of Life for All~~ they do not Love, they do not know or listen to their Hearts. They care only about personal gain: of money, resources and power, as resources can be converted into money, and money into power. Their quest is insatiable, and leads to nowhere.
The Unnatural Ones create only destruction. They destroy Life in all of it's forms to grow in money, resources and power to no end-- other than MORE-- more money and more power... It is pointless, endless, empty and based on a lie (as the Truth of All Living things is Love & Freedom!!)
The Exploitative Ones destroy the Land to possess it's gems, gold, oil and coal. But they do not stop there.
They do not think of Trees as Trees, they do not revere them. They do not care that Trees create Oxygen, which we need to breathe. They do not care that Trees create shade and homes for wildlife. They do not care that root systems of Trees keep water in the Land, and keep the Land from becoming a desert. The Unnatural Ones think of them only as Timber, as something that can be converted into Dollars, stock values and market shares. Into power. [When I say "power," I do not mean Authentic Power, which is something that comes from within, which is limitless and is inherent in All sentient beings as we are made by a limitless Creator] I mean power as in the need to control, dominate and to force and limit others, for no other purpose than to be on top of an imaginary hierarchy.
Even the most basic building blocks of Life: Water, Land, soil, genes/DNA, food, seeds; none of them sacred to The Unnatural Ones~~ they have reverence or respect for none. They wish only to control All!
They do not think of Water as Water. They do not revere it. They do not care that Water=Life, that all Living things need water to Live, for any reason other than serving their own limited and pointless purposes. They do not care that Water is unique among the Elements, that it is the only one that can be a liquid, a solid and a gas. They do not care that water takes the shape of any container into which it is put. They do not care that water responds to every word, thought and vibration, and it's molecules crystallize to reflect that vibration in it's form! They do not care that water is the primary make up of the human body. They do not care that water is purifying. They do not care of the Beauty of water. They do not care of it's ability to reflect Light. They do not care that all animals drink it. They do not care that water is healing. They think only of water as a commodity. As something that they can put under their control so that people will have to pay them for it. They do not care at what expense, they do not care at the cost. They do not care how many people suffer or die because of their greed. In fact, it is a bonus to them if people suffer and die because of their quest. Because people who are suffering, in chaos and or afraid are easier to control, easier to manipulate. Are more likely to not interfere with their Agenda. They are more likely to give up their freedoms and less likely to fight.
Even people themselves, even PEOPLE they do not hold sacred, they do not revere, they do not care about their individual fate. Even PEOPLE, even BABIES, even WOMBS, ORGANS and BODY PARTS they think of as commodities. People they think of as the commodity of Labor, of pleasure (or worse). They intend to have people do as much labor as possible for as little in return as possible. Because less pay for labor means more money for them! They do not know what they intend to do with this money, for which they have traded people's Life force, their energy, their time, their attention, their creative abilities, their VERY LIVES!! (The Waltons, who own Walmart, are SITTING ON 90 BILLION DOLLARS, with which they are doing next to NOTHING!!)
Anyone who trades their Life force for a little bit of money~~ doing something that is not their Purpose, building someone else's dreams, someone else's fortune, someone else's purposes~~ is essentially a Slave. (The only question is to what degree).
"Everyone's had to fight to be Free!" -Tom Petty
Free to be themselves. Free to find and hear and follow their own Truth. Free to pursue their own Calling, their own Purpose, their own Desires, their own Dreams, their own Destiny!! Everyone must fight to be Free to govern themselves, to be their own authority. Free to thrive, free to claim their own space, to speak their Truth. Free for the right to Free others. Enlightenment eventually leads to this urgent, unshakeable resolve for Freedom for Oneself and Others. One can not become Awake and be subservient. An Awake Being must be Free to serve only their own internal compass and the Will of the Supreme Being, in Service to the Highest & Best for All!
There are those of us who have always been on the forefront of this fight, who give up our personal ambitions for this cause. We shift every environment that we enter. We are known as Systems Busters.
Even people themselves, even PEOPLE they do not hold sacred, they do not revere, they do not care about their individual fate. Even PEOPLE, even BABIES, even WOMBS, ORGANS and BODY PARTS they think of as commodities. People they think of as the commodity of Labor, of pleasure (or worse). They intend to have people do as much labor as possible for as little in return as possible. Because less pay for labor means more money for them! They do not know what they intend to do with this money, for which they have traded people's Life force, their energy, their time, their attention, their creative abilities, their VERY LIVES!! (The Waltons, who own Walmart, are SITTING ON 90 BILLION DOLLARS, with which they are doing next to NOTHING!!)
Anyone who trades their Life force for a little bit of money~~ doing something that is not their Purpose, building someone else's dreams, someone else's fortune, someone else's purposes~~ is essentially a Slave. (The only question is to what degree).
"How eager they are to be slaves!" - Roman Emperor Tiberius
"Everyone's had to fight to be Free!" -Tom Petty
There are those of us who have always been on the forefront of this fight, who give up our personal ambitions for this cause. We shift every environment that we enter. We are known as Systems Busters.
This is our moment of Truth, the moment that we have been working for. Hold fast to this Vision, as the Future belongs to us~~ as our work towards Love & Freedom has not been in vain, and the cries of our Heart for the fate of Humanity has been heard and registered in the Creative Matter of the Universe. The next three months - three years are shaping up to be a bumpy ride indeed, but know that from this chaos will emerge a new Life that is more supportive of Life, of Freedom, based on Truth & Love ~ #SeeYouInNewEden
#FREEDOM #Truth #Awakening #Love #Nature #Justice #Peace#NewParadigmTime #donotshopatWalmart #WatchCloudAtlas
Mitakuye Oyasin ~ Namaste' ~ Shalom ~ Aloha ~ ☮♥✿
The Magdalene
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