Did a healing with a friend yesterday on the original split of the Twin Flames & why that happened over the creative differences between a male and a female aspect. She wanted black winged- creatures, and he did not.
Appeals to the Christ Council and to God to undo the creation were denied. He blamed her for a lot of the ills in the world. So, the male aspect decided to create on his own for a while... and the One became Two.
This developed into a sharp resentment over time, and a distrust of the judgement of the Female. Ultimately, the theme that resulted was "WOMEN'S JUDGEMENT CAN NOT BE TRUSTED."
We do not like where we've ended up. Divine Timing and all of the Forces that Be have converged for us to come together in Unity and Love again. The sour & bitterness has been released and as only the Prime Creator can do, and all is being made right! #GloryGloryGlory
It is time for us to Create together again, from a place of great joy, fun, harmony, mutual respect, understanding, sharing and LOVE!! As equals, honoring our differences, unique gifts, visions, approaches and pieces to the puzzle. *:) #weareallgeniuses
It's difficult to find terra firma today & I actually lost quite a bit of time (which has not happened before). Afterward her phone died for several hours.
Today, I called my Mom to wish her a happy birthday & she could only hear me for a few minutes at a time... finally we gave up the conversation.
I truly feel like we've jumped up a level~~ a dimension? We are somewhere we've not been before. It is a floaty, soft, Lovely place, spacious and gentle. A lot of the integration is happening in my sleep. Last night in my Dreams I was laughing out loud!! I can't recall what was so funny, but the feeling was great!
The new world is more tangible to me now that the old one. I so look forward to seeing what unfolds in the near and not so near future~~ for us all :)☮♥✿
Appeals to the Christ Council and to God to undo the creation were denied. He blamed her for a lot of the ills in the world. So, the male aspect decided to create on his own for a while... and the One became Two.
There was especially paranoia about the Woman's Womb, as it was a powerful creative force indeed, and men felt so removed from it. Their desire to control it from afar grew and grew into a clenched fist, a flexed forearm~ the Arm & Hammer Arm, trying to bear down on female sexuality and on reproduction.
We do not like where we've ended up. Divine Timing and all of the Forces that Be have converged for us to come together in Unity and Love again. The sour & bitterness has been released and as only the Prime Creator can do, and all is being made right! #GloryGloryGlory
It is time for us to Create together again, from a place of great joy, fun, harmony, mutual respect, understanding, sharing and LOVE!! As equals, honoring our differences, unique gifts, visions, approaches and pieces to the puzzle. *:) #weareallgeniuses
It's difficult to find terra firma today & I actually lost quite a bit of time (which has not happened before). Afterward her phone died for several hours.
Today, I called my Mom to wish her a happy birthday & she could only hear me for a few minutes at a time... finally we gave up the conversation.
I truly feel like we've jumped up a level~~ a dimension? We are somewhere we've not been before. It is a floaty, soft, Lovely place, spacious and gentle. A lot of the integration is happening in my sleep. Last night in my Dreams I was laughing out loud!! I can't recall what was so funny, but the feeling was great!
The new world is more tangible to me now that the old one. I so look forward to seeing what unfolds in the near and not so near future~~ for us all :)☮♥✿
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