The dominant group (predominantly white men) are exactly 180 degrees wrong on pretty much everything. Whatever the dominant group says, you can believe the EXACT OPPOSITE.
What they say is Honor, is degradation. What they say is treason is Honor. What they say is civilised is brutality. What they say is savagery is right Living.
They "take it to the bank" and "set your watch by it" as the things that a person can count on~~ and both are complete FICTIONS. Money and linear time and Living by them are the two biggest fallacies and enslavements that humans ever bought into!!
What a person can truly count on is that the Sun will rise and that the Moon will complete her cycles and that the Seasons will change. Be not of this world, my Friends, as she is at a close. Embrace the New World and Rejoice in the Possibilities of a Happiness and Unity that is our Divine Inheritance!!!
This is why the Poles Must Shift and ARE. As we Speak. This process has been set in motion. The dominant group must be displaced so that sanity can be restored and Life will Reign!! All of the sins and damage caused by the dominant group have been purged, so that we may Live in Radiant Health, Unity, Harmony, Cooperation, Peace and Reverence for Life.
The Vatican turns to dust. As do the Crown Royals. The Exploitative Ones are being wiped from the planet.
The Four Directions have been Balanced and The Four Tribes (Colors of People) come together in Unity and Harmony. NO one claims dominion. Those who have been oppressed now Rise.
The Poles Are Shifting... and a Bright New Day Dawns beyond our wildest, best, highest imaginings!! Dream Big, Hold Nothing Back, Claim Your Glorious Bounty of New Eden!! ☮♥✿
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