After a pretty glorious and exciting morning, I prepared for my second healing. In all honesty, I had been putting this woman off for as long as I could... I had a lot of resistance about working on her. Of course, I could have told her, 'no,' but that didn't feel like the right thing to do. As our time drew nearer, I was feeling quite sick, and very low. I seriously did. not. want. to. do. it... AT. ALL.
I thought of cancelling. I thought of rescheduling... Spirit told me to give myself some time to collect myself before calling. I could just make the call, when I was ready, and decide what to do from there.
I was nearly crying by the time that I called. I felt AWFUL. When I say that I felt AWFUL, I can not really overstate it. I have been doing this a long time now, and I have felt a lot of unpleasant things in my day... I have felt outright evil in many forms, but I am telling you that NOTHING-- N O T H I N G ! I've ever felt remotely compared to this.
I knew that what I was feeling was not me~ that it was her~ and I had to fight the urge to just drop the phone and head for the hills!!
This was the worst energy that I've ever encountered. How was this woman alive?? How was she even Living???
Surprisingly, the voice on the other end of the phone was very calm, and sweet. I knew nothing to say other than the Truth. I said, "I did not want to call you... This is very hard for me... " She said that it was hard for her too, and she started crying. She said that she had known for a long time that she needed help, and she had seen people on the internet, but who to trust? Who could really help her?? She said that she also knew that I had been putting her off. We had our cards on the table. That was a good start.
It was clear to me that she had been strangled, as I could feel it in my throat~ and while that was terrible, that was the least of her problem! The real problem was this ENERGY that was ALL OVER HER. It was so bitter, that my mouth was full of the most heinous taste. I told her as much.
The short version is that the energy was HATRED. I am talking the deepest, purest, all-pervasive, infinite hatred. Her ex-husband HATED her. When I say that he hated her, I mean that there was nothing else left in him. I mean that he was a vehicle of PURE HATRED.
It was the most awful, disgusting, nightmarish feeling, and there is no way to communicate this feeling to you, and that is a very. good. thing, as no one deserved to feel this way.
He hated her, but not just her. He hated his two wives before her and his wife since. He hated all women. He HATED. That was all that he did, around the clock, all the time. It had been many YEARS that she had been together with him and he still was hating her that much! The man was a complete monster.
I thought of cancelling. I thought of rescheduling... Spirit told me to give myself some time to collect myself before calling. I could just make the call, when I was ready, and decide what to do from there.
I was nearly crying by the time that I called. I felt AWFUL. When I say that I felt AWFUL, I can not really overstate it. I have been doing this a long time now, and I have felt a lot of unpleasant things in my day... I have felt outright evil in many forms, but I am telling you that NOTHING-- N O T H I N G ! I've ever felt remotely compared to this.
I knew that what I was feeling was not me~ that it was her~ and I had to fight the urge to just drop the phone and head for the hills!!
This was the worst energy that I've ever encountered. How was this woman alive?? How was she even Living???
Surprisingly, the voice on the other end of the phone was very calm, and sweet. I knew nothing to say other than the Truth. I said, "I did not want to call you... This is very hard for me... " She said that it was hard for her too, and she started crying. She said that she had known for a long time that she needed help, and she had seen people on the internet, but who to trust? Who could really help her?? She said that she also knew that I had been putting her off. We had our cards on the table. That was a good start.
It was clear to me that she had been strangled, as I could feel it in my throat~ and while that was terrible, that was the least of her problem! The real problem was this ENERGY that was ALL OVER HER. It was so bitter, that my mouth was full of the most heinous taste. I told her as much.
The short version is that the energy was HATRED. I am talking the deepest, purest, all-pervasive, infinite hatred. Her ex-husband HATED her. When I say that he hated her, I mean that there was nothing else left in him. I mean that he was a vehicle of PURE HATRED.
He hated her, but not just her. He hated his two wives before her and his wife since. He hated all women. He HATED. That was all that he did, around the clock, all the time. It had been many YEARS that she had been together with him and he still was hating her that much! The man was a complete monster.
I did not know that there was ever such a being. And the time that I spent in his energy was the longest of my Life. They showed me that his father had hated women too, and taught it to his son. They showed me that hatred towards women was something that was taught~ as all hatred is.
I could see that he was in Manilla, and that he was the Center-point, anchoring hatred towards women on the earth, and that the energy had been rooted there in the earth in a large circle around him and that it shot up, all the way to the earth's axis. When we cleared it, and it left him, that it would leave ALL.
And so we did. It was a far slower-moving process than I would have wished, and I could even smell sulfur as it cleared!! Absolutely gruesome. Honestly, I am feeling pretty traumatized by the whole thing.
I hope that I never Live to experience anything remotely like it again, nor does anyone else. ♥
A Smart Man Knows the Golden Rule: happy wife, happy Life. ♥ ♥
It wasn't until hours later that I realized that yesterday, I had gotten to spend 45 minutes in the New World... in complete perfection. And today, I spent 45 minutes in perhaps the last rung of hell. A total nightmare. Perhaps that was the price that I paid for getting to be in New Eden before the official 'opening bell,' so to speak...
And so we did. It was a far slower-moving process than I would have wished, and I could even smell sulfur as it cleared!! Absolutely gruesome. Honestly, I am feeling pretty traumatized by the whole thing.
I hope that I never Live to experience anything remotely like it again, nor does anyone else. ♥
A Smart Man Knows the Golden Rule: happy wife, happy Life. ♥ ♥
It wasn't until hours later that I realized that yesterday, I had gotten to spend 45 minutes in the New World... in complete perfection. And today, I spent 45 minutes in perhaps the last rung of hell. A total nightmare. Perhaps that was the price that I paid for getting to be in New Eden before the official 'opening bell,' so to speak...
I have had this experience before~ I have been visited by Christ twice, and in short order after our visitations, I had to defeat the devil twice. Probably the very reason that He doesn't visit me that often. ♥
Taking that into consideration, it appears that even though the Masculine & Feminine have been balanced, that Duality itself still exists. I am contemplating this, open to whatever the next step is that Great Spirit places in my Path.
Namaste' ~ Aloha ~ Shalom ~ Mitakuye Oyasin ~ One Tribe ~ We Are The Tribe of Many Colors ~ Peace ~ Love ~ Harmony ~ See You In New Eden :)
I Love You! ♥
Namaste' ~ Aloha ~ Shalom ~ Mitakuye Oyasin ~ One Tribe ~ We Are The Tribe of Many Colors ~ Peace ~ Love ~ Harmony ~ See You In New Eden :)
I Love You! ♥
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